Jewish Ancestry?
With my father, having been born in Spain, and my mother being born in Bolivia, but from Basque stock, I expected an outcome something in the realm of 75% Western European and 25% South American with some other small amounts of locations thrown into the mix.
Not to my surprise, the results came back officially as:
- 82.9% European
- 15.5% Native America
But something struck me, a small, almost imperceptible, percentage of Ashkenazi (0.1%) Jewish blood.
What???? I had never been told of any Jewish ancestry in my lines, so I dismissed this fact as a “simple error” made in the 23 and Me analysis.
That is until I was presented with some new genealogical information on my overall Minguillon Family tree. My long-ago ancestor, Manuel Montaner y Beltrán married a woman by the name of Antonia Mansié Rabinad back in 27 Oct 1709.
I see in some research where the Rabinad family were actually a prominent family of Jewish converts in the southern part of Zaragoza, Spain.
The name is a diminutive form of Rabin, which is a Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) name for a rabbi, from Polish, Ukrainian, and Belorussian rabin ‘rabbi’.
Ashkenazi Jews are Jews whose ancestors had settled in Central and Eastern Europe, as opposed to those who remained in the Middle East and North Africa region, or settled in other places.
Mystery solved, I now have one of the sources of Jewish blood in my tree and I have been told that there might be others. Time to learn all about my new traditions and beliefs! Plus a possible new line to explore from a genealogical point of view.